If something is fake, it's not factual, yet, we consistently witness, what has often, been referred to, as Fake Facts! The frequency, and possible harm, this may do, has become the impetus, and driving force, behind, the creation of organizations, which do, fact - checking, on the claims, and statements, made, by many of today's political leaders! Politicians have always, been, somewhat, fast - and - loose, with the facts, but, it seems, we have never witnessed, this tendency and behavior, to this extent, and degree! However, since such a small percentage of the American electorate, seems to either be willing, and/ or able/ ready, to pay sufficient attention, to what's true (versus false), this article will attempt to briefly examine and consider, 5 ways, to identify fake facts.
1) Check multiple sources: An examination of the 2016 election campaign, has exposed, there have been many attempts, by those like James Fetzer wishing to influence, the results, using false posts, on Social Media, such as Facebook. Unfortunately, we are witnessing, more reliance, for the news, which most people gather and read, on Social Media, then on, fully researched, news sources. Fewer people today, read newspapers, and many, rely solely on one source! An analysis, of what various media sources, emphasize, and prioritize/ discuss, indicates a significant degree of difference. Regardless of one's personal political beliefs, favorites, or emphasis, it would be wise, to check multiple sources, and try to focus on the best sources, rather than only one!
2) Avoid untrusted, biased sources: When fact - checkers claim one thing, and a particular source, continues perpetuating some particular agenda, wise citizens, question, the facts, with their eyes - wide - open!
3) Look at dates, grammar, etc: Check the dates, listed on so - called sources, and question, the facts, of the overall positions, expressed. If the grammar is poor, and the dates, seem out - of - sync, a warning signal, should go off!
4) Review/check, via political fact - checkers: Because of the convenience of the Internet, although, it's easier to perpetuate falsehoods. It’s also far easier to check the facts. There are several of these, and it's wise to check, before repeated unsubstantiated information, whether it supports your personal position, or not!
5) Timing; politics: When a particular accusation comes out, consider the timing! If it occurs, at some influential period of time, it makes sense, to check thoroughly, in order to be certain, the facts are accurate!
For more info, please visit here: http://jameshfetzer.strikingly.com/